mondomusic is for everyone in the music world – for players, teachers, orchestras, bands, chamber groups, choirs, clubs, agents, administrators and music lovers. If you’re a player, you can promote your skills to others through mondomusic. If you’re a teacher, you can find pupils through mondomusic. If you’re a business, such as a reed maker or instrument repairer, you can find customers through mondomusic. If you’re an administrator, you can organise your group members and advertise your events to the wider community of musicians and music lovers. If you’re a music lover, you can search for events locally and globally.
For the moment, mondomusic is free for everyone, regardless of whether you’re promoting yourself, your teaching skills, your group or your business, or just browsing events. We hope that when numbers of users permit, we’ll be able to earn revenue through advertising, sponsorship and website referrals, but we may also introduce charges for those members who obtain some commercial advantage from a listing on mondomusic, such as teachers and businesses.
You can download mondomusic from the App Store or from Google Play. Once installed, create an Account by specifying your email address, name, base location, display language and location privacy settings.
As soon as you’ve created your Account mondomusic will send you a One-Time-Code (OTC) to the email address you’ve specified. You must enter this into mondomusic in order to proceed further. Once you’ve entered the correct OTC tap the Edit icon if you want to tell mondomusic more about yourself. This will be your profile. You can upload a picture (subject to authorization by mondomusic administration before it becomes visible to others), specify the instruments you play or teach, and provide details of any business you run. In the case of instruments that you play, you may also name your Teachers. All such data may optionally be included in your CV. When you’re satisfied with the Profile you’ve created you can start to explore People, Groups and Events in your vicinity.
When you’re exploring Events you’ll notice that the closest Events to your current location are shown first. You can use Filters (tap the icon at the top right of the page) to find Events close to your base location or any other location that you specify. And if you’re looking for a particular Event, for example Wagner’s Parsifal you can enter ‘Parsifal’ into the Filter Search field and only Events with an Event Name containing ‘Parsifal’ will be shown.
Events are shown for a particular date and you can move forwards and backwards one day at a time by tapping the < or > controls. (mondomusic will give you today’s date as a start date.) If you want to go backwards or forwards until at least one Event can be found that meets your Filter criteria, tap << or >>. So, if you want to find the next performance of Parsifal anywhere in the world, enter ‘Parsifal’ into the Filter Search field, tap Apply and then >>.
When you set Filter values and then tap Apply, your current Filter settings are stored and are used when you next search for Events, Groups or People. If your results page is empty it may be because Filter settings have been applied and nothing currently qualifies for inclusion. Try using the Clear button on your Filter settings and then tapping Apply.
There’s a link to a ‘Forgotten Password’ page on the login page. Follow this link and then follow mondomusic’s instructions.
All mondomusic users have the option to delete their account and all associated data.
You can delete your account by logging in to the mondomusic app on your smartphone using the account you have created (if you have forgotten your password you may invoke the ‘forgotten password’ procedure).
Once you have logged in to your account on mondomusic you should tap the ‘hamburger’ menu in the lower toolbar (the rightmost icon) and then tap Edit Profile.
You should then scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap Delete Profile. The app will ask you confirm deletion.
(Note that if you are the manager of a Group (usually because you have created a Group in mondomusic) you will be asked to reassign your manager role for these Groups before you can delete your account. Alternatively you delete your Groups and then delete your account.)
If you choose to delete your mondomusic account then all of your data are deleted. mondomusic retains nothing.
You can use the Block button at the bottom of a user’s Profile page to sever contact with a user and make him or her invisible to you. You will then also become invisible to that person.
If a mondomusic user behaves in a way that contravenes mondomusic’s terms and conditions or behaves abusively or threateningly then you should report him or her to mondomusic Admin using the Report button at the bottom of the user’s Profile page. mondomusic, at its own discretion, may warn the user or remove him or her from the network.
When you become a Group member by joining a Group, accepting an invitation to join or having your application to join accepted, you have a choice as to whether any new Group Events should automatically be copied to your diary. Whatever your choice may be, you can change this setting by tapping the diary icon next to the Group name in your Groups page (Groups I Manage and Groups I Belong To). You will be asked to confirm any change to this setting.
You can use mondomusic to publish your diary to other users, revealing details of your musical engagements, or keeping them private. You can also indicate that on certain days or at certain times you’re Unavailable. To do this, tap on the Create icon (+) at the bottom of the page, tap Create Event, and then create an event with ‘Unavailable time’ (right at the top of the page) checked. You won’t have to enter more than the date of your unavailability, and then either All Day or specific times. Don’t forget to Save the event.
You can choose which Instruments, Teachers, Qualifications, Endorsements and Events are to be included in your CV. All such items have associated ‘Include in CV’ checkboxes. In the case of Events you may also specify the Role (soloist, accompanist, sound engineer, etc.) that you performed at the Event and supply a Description.
Whether you’re attending a Group Event or a Private Event you can mark your attendance as Private. To do this you should tap the Make Private or Make Public icon next to the Event in your diary.
Whether you’re looking at an Event in a Group diary, another user’s diary or in the Events list, you can easily include an Event in your own diary by tapping the diary icon.
You can easily remove an Event from your Diary by clicking the diary icon next to the Event Name in your diary. You’ll be asked to confirm removal. Note that you can add the Event back to your diary at any time.
Tap the three dots to the right of an Event Name in your diary, or another’s diary or a Group diary and choose Participants. This will list any of your friends or any members of Groups to which you also belong, who have this Event in their diary.
Contact us through this website. We welcome suggestions, but we can’t guarantee that we will do what you request.
mondomusic is available in a number of Display Languages. You can change your Display Language whilst editing your Profile. You will then see labels, instrument names, genres, group types, event types, statuses, etc., in the language you have chosen. Free text is not translated.
mondomusic delivers powerful proximity searches for people, groups, events and other entities. These functions are dependent on your choice of a base location. This chosen location may be your home, a neutral place in your vicinity, your town centre or, indeed, (with reduced usefulness) anywhere else in the world. mondomusic does not expect nor does it allow the manual entry of a precise address. Base location is chosen through a Google Maps window by the placing of a pin. mondomusic stores only an approximate definition of the chosen location and this location is never revealed to other users.
mondomusic shows how far you are away from your Friends or other mondomusic users. You may not want anyone to know how close or far away you are. To suppress the display of distance on other users’ People searches edit your profile and check the ‘Never Reveal My Distance’ checkbox. You can change your mind about this at any time. Note that your distance will still determine your listing position in People searches.
mondomusic stores your current location as you travel from one place to another. This enables others to see how far away you are and enables you to see how far away other users, Groups and Events are. You may prefer that distance is always shown in relation to your base location. To achieve this, edit your profile and check ‘Don’t Use My Current Location’. You can change your mind about this at any time.
mondomusic stores your base location and current location using latitude and longitude coordinates to an accuracy of three decimal places, which places you within about 100 metres north to south and, depending on your latitude, between 100 metres and zero metres east to west. Furthermore, we round up distances to the next higher 100 metres. This safeguards you from attempts, using triangulation, to locate you precisely. Group and Event locations, however, are given precisely.
A full statement of mondomusic’s Privacy Policy can be found at this page.
All your Profile data, except for your base location and your email address, are visible to other users of mondomusic. If you don’t want other members to see your telephone number, or your date of birth, don’t add them to your profile. Your current location is always shown to the nearest (higher) one hundred metres. Bear in mind that when you create an Event or Group, the location of the Event or Group will, by default, be taken from your base location, and will be shown accurately to other users. If you want always to conceal your base location be careful when creating Events and Groups to specify a different location for these. If you set up an event at your own home it is advisable to define this as private and invitation only. We do not share any data from mondomusic with any third party. It is possible, in the future, that we will provide anonymized data to advertising agents, but we will provide notice when and if we do this.
mondomusic shows other users in your vicinity, ordered by proximity to the location you have chosen, which may be your base location, current location or another chosen location. Distance to each user may also be shown, depending on their settings. You, too, will appear in searches made by other users unless you choose to exclude yourself. You can do this by checking the Omit My Profile from Searches checkbox on your Profile. You can change this setting at any time. You will still be able to search for events and groups and the distance to those events and groups will still be shown.
Several thousand musical organisations have been set up in mondomusic in advance of the app’s launch. Such information has been taken from public sources and usually comprises a website address, a contact email address taken from the website, the organisation’s name and location. You may be a music society, professional or amateur music group. We may have contacted you using the email address to let you know that we have done this, in the hope that you will take over the management of the Group in mondomusic, advertise your events and encourage your members to join and take full advantage of mondomusic. To take over management of your Group, contact mondomusic by initiating a Chat with ‘Mondomusic Admin’, a profile you can easily find on a People search using the search text string: ‘Admin’. You may also contact us directly through our website and we will adjust the settings for you.
If you’re the manager of a Group you’re able to control the settings that determine the way a Group works. There’s a checkbox at the bottom of the Manage Group screen – Allow Anyone to Join – that determines whether mondomusic users can join your Group of their own accord, or must either be invited or apply to join.
If you’re the manager of a Group you’re able to control the settings that determine the way a Group works. There’s a checkbox at the bottom of the Manage Group screen – Allow Members to Create Events – that enables or disables members from creating Events.
If you’re the manager of a Group you’re able to control the settings that determine the way a Group works. There’s a checkbox at the bottom of the Manage Group screen – Allow Members to Start Chats – that enables or disables members from initiating Group-wide chats.
If you’re the manager of a Group you’re able to control the settings that determine the way a Group works. There’s a checkbox at the bottom of the Manage Group screen – Private (Absent from searches) – that determines whether a Group can be found by mondomusic users when they tap Groups on the Home Page.
Users of mondomusic can search for Events near their base, current, or any other location. If you’re managing an orchestra, choir or band that gives public concerts you will want such concerts to appear as Events in mondomusic searches. To create an event you must first open a Group’s profile page (after finding the Group using Discover, or from My Groups from the hamburger menu). If you’re the Group manager or the Group allows you, as a member, to create Events, you can tap the button at the bottom of the page to create a new Group Event. If you want your Event to be visible to all mondomusic users you must make sure not to mark it as Private. Group members who have chosen to copy all new Group Events to their diaries will thereby be informed of any new Event. Other mondomusic users, such as Friends or members of other Groups to which you belong can be invited. Tap the three dots next to the Event name and select Invite.
You can easily mark rehearsals as Private. This means that they won’t be listed in Events searches. Only Group members will see them in the Group Diary, or in their own diaries if they have elected to update their own diaries automatically when new Events are added to the Group Diary.
When you first create a Group (an orchestra, choir, band, family group, or discussion group, for example) you become the first member of the Group and its manager. As manager of the Group you possess privileges that other members do not possess, such as control over Group settings (what members can and cannot do), the Group’s image and other useful attributes. In due course you may want to relinquish the responsibilities of Group management. To do so, you must invite another Group member to take over the role, using the button at the bottom of the Manage Group page. Once your invitation has been accepted you will cease to be the Group’s manager, and you may also, then, leave the Group if you wish.
mondomusic users may upload image, video and audio files to mondomusic. These will be visible to all users and will be shown on the home page of users who are your Friends or who belong to Groups to which you belong. mondomusic will ask you to confirm that you are not in breach of copyright regulations in uploading media files. mondomusic terms and conditions also require that you do not upload anything offensive.
You can mark uploads as ‘Showcase Posts’. You might do this, for example, if you want to promote certain media posts as indicative of your skills.
If you come across a media post that is offensive, you may immediately use the Report icon to remove it from general visibility. This prompts a review by mondomusic administration that may lead to its permanent deletion or to its reinstatement, at mondomusic’s discretion.